Saturday, February 26, 2011

Airport news stands are packed
with shiny things,
a paid-by-the-hour attendant
staring at the mirrored walls
or, to stay awake, texting on her phone.
She will not meet your eyes.
You're just passing through.

Here are the things you do not need:
a souvenir shot glass, a tabloid magazine, a luggage lock,
a pack of gum.
The aspirin is $7.50.

Here, they've got you where they want you:
past security, pre-boarding,
a place that's not a destination,
embarked already on a journey
of artificial light and recirculated air.

No liquids in carry-ons. A bottle of water
now seems vital.
That'll be $4.50.

It's all so shiny.
Surely something that's sold there
must resolve the current crisis
of discomfort or boredom.
Keep looking.